DC Motor Connector Angle


No, they sent only the motor. I didn’t know they changed the bracket.


This is the new one:

The old one:

Note that in the new one you also get socket screws and not Philips.


Glad I’m not the only one with this issue. Spent hours building it then had it nt work right. Was very frustrating, and thought I did something wrong. I emailed my info to the address listed, is there anything else I need to do to get a replacement or facilitate the process?


It looks like many of us have the old manual. The new manual @ https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=5AB8C37D5C75CE9C!12647&authkey=!ABo2IxueJK9fB3A&ithint=file%2Cpdf has the updated diagram that shows the connectors pointing vertical rather than horizontal. I believe this is a workaround as it’s really the bracket or motor that needs to be redesigned as horizontal is optimal. For 1, in the up vertical position the front connector is blocked by the board, so you have to point that one down. When you do that, anything the robot runs over, ie clothes in my case, get caught on the connector.

MakeBlock isn’t offering a connector/bracket replacement at this time. They are replacing the motors, which I have a feeling will have the same mounting issues.

If you need the motors replaced, that will take several emails to MakeBlock support. see http://forum.makeblock.cc/t/notification-replacement-of-25mm-defective-motor/917/26 for more details


Hi @shaiss, you are right. I have the new bracket but I was referring to the older manual. The new connector angle makes sense with the new tricycle design (but it didn’t work with my printed manual).

This is one of those small design flaws we were talking about in the other thread. It could be easily fixed with a link to the updated manual and it is frustrating that nobody from Makeblock commented on the connector angle issue. I feel that the tech support here doesn’t have a good knowledge about the product. Makeblock engineers mush have been aware about the connector angle change and the subsequent tricycle design change.


I just bought a starter kit and the motors are very weak. Are you still offering replacements for free?


My understanding is yes. Mine were just shipped to me a few days ago. My suggestion is email support with all of the details they ask for in the above thread. Pictures and video help.

See http://forum.makeblock.cc/t/all-about-motors-app-and-etc-from-makeblock-team/903/19?u=shaiss for measuring current to the motors which will also help prove the point of “weak” motors.

Even after sending your email, you may not get a reply. At that point you can email pioneer@makeblock.cc and post on the makeblock twitter feed.

hope that helps,


Thanks Shaiss. I just ordered new motors kits. Hopefully, they are better.
I re-read your post and saw you suggested the gold. I bought the blue kit. Hopefully, the color is the only difference.


I need my two motors replaced, email has been sent. Order from your Makeblock (# 28061)


Not sure about power yet, but I am having the same angle problem with the motors. In addition, on one of my motors, the holes for the mounting bracket aren’t threaded. Is it possible to get replacement motors? Thanks.


I Have similar problem with both motors, bought in UK in Feb 2016


How you doing johny I am reading this post because I am experiencing the same issue I recently just bought the starter kit from radio shack and one motor is currently not operable. Do I take it back to radio shack?


Hi Johnny,

I am having the same problems with the ultimate robot kit I recently bought here in Maui at Radio Shack. I just want to make sure you are still honoring the replacement and I will submit am order right away. I am enjoying the kit and IVE kit as well. Your prompt response is appriciated.



Just a heads up. I started this thread and want to let people know that MakeBlock did not honor a replacement after a certain (unspecified) amount of time had passed. They were kind enough to cancel my replacement order when I discovered that it would not be refunded, but that’s all.

In addition, I discovered, after a lot of testing, one big issue with the motors that I didn’t really understand originally and that will probably exist with any replacement. The motors are not consistent with each other so any attempts to pre-program them will likely fail. I wanted to program the robot to go through a maze, but the same program commands resulted in different results. For example, running two motors for 2 seconds at the same speed did not yield a perfectly straight path (or even a consistent non-straight path). Sometimes it went straight, other times veered left or right - without any change to the program.

A few searches indicate that such behavior is expected if you don’t have stepper motors. So, it’s not a flaw with these motors. But if you have dreams of programming the robot to “go forward 2 seconds” or “rotate left for 0.5 seconds to complete a 90 turn,” then this kit is not for you.

It should still work if it can respond to live feedback (“proceed until you bump into a wall” or “remote control”) but that’s not what I needed. The other hardware is top-notch and I loved tinkering with it.


Did you ever solve the issue with the motors being rotated 90 degrees from the picture in the instructions? I have the same issue. I tried to take apart my motor to fix it but that didn’t help. I think my motor was soldered wrong.

