Cyberpi Display+ extension is buggy?


Display+ is a simple mblock made extension on cyberpi, but … this extension is a lot buggy, i sometimes cause the cyberpi to have white screen and sometime the cyberpi itself turn off and on.
I wonder if someone could tell me if this is my fault or this is a bug that need to be change. The cyberpi that i use are not outdated and i’ve got them at the beggining of the year (also i have two of them, so it cannot be a coincidence).


@Idaill What does your code look like? It could be the CyberPi itself. Do the bugs go away when you don’t use the extension and remove it?


yes, this is just that (i think) that it causes crash and stuff because it doesn’t delete everything. Like if you create and delete a matrix sprite or a text sprite again and again it will crash because the extension doesn’t delete everything when using .delete() . come into my discord server to speak about that, i post everything on it.


Here’s a project where that make the screen become white sometimes, but that’s a completly different bug in this extension and is not a runout of memory error :


you need two cyberpi to find out


I don’t have two working CyberPi. :frowning: I have a broken one and a working one, maybe I can fix them and test things…


@Idaill This is an AI generated response. Verify important information.

Based on the code you provided, it appears to be a multiplayer hide-and-seek game implemented for CyberPi devices using mBlock. The game allows players to either host or join a game, hide objects on a map, and then try to find hidden objects.

Some key points about the code:

  1. It uses the CyberPi API for input/output, networking, and rendering.
  2. The game has different modes: hosting, joining, hiding, and seeking.
  3. It uses a custom map representation and rendering system.
  4. There’s multiplayer functionality using mesh networking.
  5. The game includes timers, scoring, and different game states.

Regarding your original question about the Display+ extension causing issues:

  1. This code doesn’t seem to use the Display+ extension directly. It’s using the built-in CyberPi display functions.

  2. The issues you’re experiencing (white screen, device turning off and on) are not directly related to this code, as it doesn’t use the problematic extension.

  3. If you’re encountering these issues while running this specific code, it might be due to:

    • Memory constraints on the CyberPi
    • Overheating or power issues
    • Bugs in the CyberPi firmware or mBlock environment
  4. To troubleshoot:

    • Make sure your CyberPi firmware is up to date
    • Try running simpler programs to isolate the issue
    • Check if the problems occur with other extensions or only with Display+
  5. If the issues persist only with the Display+ extension in other projects, it’s likely a bug in the extension itself, and you may need to report it to the mBlock development team.

In summary, while this code is complex and resource-intensive, it doesn’t directly use the Display+ extension. The issues you’re experiencing are likely related to either hardware limitations or bugs in the CyberPi system or mBlock environment, rather than this specific code or the Display+ extension.


I also wonder what this code block is doing. Of course, you are uploading the Python, but maybe the other code is being compiled with that and uploaded as well. :man_shrugging:


I’m also curious about the other uses of cyberpi.restart() in the code…


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