Cutting Mirror Acrylic


Has anyone tried cutting out a shape on an Acrylic mirror surface? (2 or 3mm thick)
Would it be best upside down? Would the mirror reflect all over the place due to the laser hitting it?

Any advice appreciated.


Hello Snipah, I just checked with our team and by now we haven’t tested mirror Acrylic yet. But according to our previous testing data, Laserbox is able to cut Acrylic board with a maximum thickness of 6mm. If you want to test, our suggestion is to cut from the back of the mirror Acrylic(mirror side facing down). If you really want to find out what will happen from the mirror side(which we don’t suggest), it would be safe to start with very low power and be prepared for potential danger and fire


Thank you, I will test and report back when my stock arrives. Laserbox is much better at cutting circles than I am. :sunglasses:
I will test from the backside. The mirror has a protective sticker on it


Please let us know how if it worked. Thank you!


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