In the meantime I managed to get the files for the firmware by looking at the network tab in the chrome dev tools: this is what I got so far:
$ md5sum *
ecc04a2902549413f484e120380e44e6 5df42080_CyberPi_StandardShied_APP_V2701007_20210113.bin
07f0725cbbf652f28d86909933b1d527 a1e1092a_at32_CyberPi_StarterShied_APP_V2701010_20220929.bin
daaabcc5a1af8eb5cdd6d72f3e0a142f c6afad4c_CyberPi_StarterShied_APP_V2701006_20210817.bin
daaabcc5a1af8eb5cdd6d72f3e0a142f ca0b9c29_CyberPi_StarterShied_APP_V2701006_20210817.bin
b994ad9c73a5ab1b18009b192bd7ce04 e12606eb_cyberpi_firmware_44_01_011-ht2.bin
However, it’s not clear to me how I can flash them manually, in case I need it. For other ESP32 boards I used openocd to flash custom firmware, I wonder whether this works also for CyberPi?
There isn’t any documentation that I have found for things like modifying the firmware, since the CyberPi was designed mostly for mBlock coding (very basic) with some MicroPython support.
yes I understand that, but I’d like to experiment with adding more micropython-based functionalities: for example, I’d like the ability of sending/playing wav files from the network, use a different TTS service, possibly integrate it with openai API, etc.