Connecting different boards


Hello there,
I have 2 mBots: Orion and Ranger I also have a Black Robot Gripper that fits perfect on the Orion. I have a question: Can I connect Orion to Ranger in any physical way? Is this possible?


With enough hot glue and silver tape anything is possible.

But in all seriousness, theres no supported way to connect those two boards, if you want them to comunicate with eachother.
If you are talking about phisically ataching them together in on package, I’m sure something can be achieved with Horion base plaque and auriga with some screws.


You have make me laugh!!! Maybe it was a crazy idea. I though of this because I can use a Raspberry Pi and an Arduino together. I know that Raspberry Pi is a computer, but also has pins to program and I can program with my computer the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino that are connected together.
Anyways, thanks for your answer, I appreciate it.


I have mbot, orion and ultimates (arduinos). I use a raspberry pi to communicate with my orion, and call it Allie They are connected thru a usb port. You could connect multiple arduinos connected to a raspberry pi OR have multiple Allies using UDP on the PIs to talk to each other.