Codey Rocky - WIFI


Hola, me gustaria saber como puedo ingresar a la nube donde se almacenan los datos generados por WIFI, antes lo podia hacer abriendo la nube y revisaba los datos generados con el Codey Rocky, pero ahora con la nueva interfaz de mBlock 5 no se como hacerlo.


Hello DBustamante,

Sorry that we may not understand your question very properly. Do you look for the program blocks of the cloud messages?
If not, is it possible for you to share a picture of the function you looking for on the previous software?


If those are the blocks I’m using, what I want to know is where can I see the data in real time when the Codeys send it to the cloud.

This program I can see what is giving the temperature and light in place with Codey, but I need to see this information in the cloud, that another device can see and access that information.


Hi DBustamante,

I have confirmed with our engineer, the function you mentioned has been cancled due to some unfriendly experience.

You may try the extension “User Cloud message” and “Google sheets” to see if it can achieve your purpose.


You have to go through the Sprites.

It is impossible to connect two robots together.
You should code the Google Sheet for the Codey Rockey and the Halocode.