Codey Rocky - mBlock5 iOS / Android bugs, Right Deviation, and other stuff


Hello, I recently got Codey Rocky (CR), and tried to use basic functionality.
So far I have few questions.

I noticed that “move forward” will move the CR forward with a noticeable deviation to right.
I emailed the Support about this. And they pointed me to use “keep straight forward” instead.
So I used “keep straight forward” and it is much better.
But I just wonder - why to not make “move forward” to use same principle ?
For me “move forward” and “keep straight forward” are identical commands.

It is advertised that mBlock5 is available for PC and iOS/Android.
I noticed few issues with iOS app.

There is no Calibration option in iOS app.

I created a program using mBlock for PC (with my account). Then I logged in to iOS app and opened same program from My Projects.
Well - it is not the same on iOS anymore.
On PC I used “keep straight forward” command - but on iOS instead of it will appear “undefined: codey.meos_rocky_keep_absolute_forward”

As a continuation from Q3.
Some commands in iOS are grayed out so you can’t use them. Why ?
For example “turn rigth at X degrees until done” , “change volume by”, etc.

I don’t see the “left wheel turns at power X and right wheel turns at power Y” command in iOS.

Android app - Q3, Q4, Q5 - also apply to Android.
And in Android I can’t actually login to my account - so I can’t use programs created on other devices.
The problem is - when I click on email field to enter my email address - the keyboard will appear and immediately disappear. So there is no way to type in email address and continue.
Samsung S8, Android 8.0.0 with latest updates applied.

Is there a way to disable a beep sound when Codey got connected to a device ?
It is really annoying when you want to code by not disturbing others.

What is the purpose of the Volume adjustment wheel on the side of Codey ?
I tried few things with no difference.
Also I found no documentation about it.

Does anyone know when mBlock 5 ChromeOS will be released?
I am not asking for the exact date.
Like somewhere in 2018, or in summer 2019 ?
I intend to purchase a device within a month, to use with Codey Rocky. So I wonder should I get Windows/Mac or maybe mBlock5 for ChromeOS will be released soon.

Using mBlock on PC - I click to my user avatar (right top corner) and click on “Cloud Data”.
It will open a web page with some Chinese characters. And there are no links - plain text.
Is this a normal behavior?

ps: I feel like QA that did a regression tests :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Dumitru,
Thank you for your suggestions.
Q1, here offers two options. Other users may not need accurate straight line;
Q2, I am afraid this won’t be available in mBlock phone end.
Q3,5, now mBlock App is not 100% synchronized with mBlock 5, will forward your suggestion to the software team.
Q4, these blocks can be used later and mBlock App is still under construction.
Q6, my android devices work ok, have you noticed in the right corner, it says “switch to mBlock cn”? If you tap it by mistake, it won’t let you logon, otherwise you register two times for both mBlock cn version and internaltional version. Tap it again until says “switch to mBlock international”.
Q7, I think it is a good sign for being connected for most of users.
Q8, this gear is not for volume by default, we can program for it.
Q9, currently there are a lot of work for mBlock 5, mBlock App, I am sorry for not offering the exact date of Chrome OS.
Q10, there is no links. And we already feedback “Chinese” in cloud data page.
Again, thank you for the feedback. Maybe some will be improved as you expected after the evaluation. But some maybe not.


As I know, mBlock 5 for ChromeOS will be released VERY SOON, which means in a few weeks. So please stay tuned.


Q1. let admit it.
Q2. In order to have a good product - the mobile app should have all the features that PC has.
Q3. let admit that soon mobile app will be fully functional. I hope it will be soon.
Q4. same as Q2, Q3
Q5. same as Q2, Q3

Q6. I haven’t tapped anyting by mistake. I tapped “switch to cn” to see what will be the difference. But the problem still persist. See video. Samsung S8. Android 8.0.0 with latest updates applied.
Please let me know - as I am not able to use it on Android.

Q7. Maybe you will think about having a silent sign of connection? Like LED to blink few times.
Q8. gear - hmm, ok I will look what is it for.
Q9. It looks like @bigeyex have more info than @tech_support. :slightly_smiling_face: Hey support is it true that mBlock5 for ChromeOS will be released soon?
Q10. let admit it will be fixed soon.

But overall I would say - you have a great product.
It has a very big potential for home use and education.
Just need a little bit polished and tuned.
Don’t forget about mobile app. Some customer may not be able to use it with PC/ChromeOS/Mac. And as you advertise that there is iOS/Android app - I would expect it to have all same features.


The Android dismissing keyboard is a known issue when you choose to auto-hide the Android Navigation Bar. The temporary solution: disable that auto-hide on your phone (and yes, the devs are working on this).


I may have some internal information because I’m the software product lead. But I won’t be always around when things are getting ugly:disappointed_relieved:. So tech_support is much needed to keep users happy, or at least less angry. All the suggestions are forwarded to the dev team, so no worries.




@bigeyex, thank you for response.
I am also a software developer, and I bought the Codey Rocky to teach my kid coding.
So far I see a very big potential in this product.

Disable auto-hide NavBar - it worked. Thank you for help with this.

Looking forward for next updates and fixes.
And for ChromeOS :slightly_smiling_face:

Let me know if I may be helpful somehow.


@bigeyex, hello,
so following your suggestion - I got a Chromebook for my son, and I am waiting for mBlock for ChromeOS to be available.
But meantime - on this Chromebook I went to Google Play and installed the mBlock app. I know I installed the Android app on the Chromebook (some Android apps may be installed on latest Chromebooks).
It is working exactly as an Android app.

Will the ChromeOS version work in Chrome browser ?
How is the progress with ChromeOS version going ?


Now mBlock-5 is available for ios devices, but I got some issues On my iPhone using mBlock-5, And I bought a mBot for someone, But I had faced controller issues, does it have any application to use it on iPhone? Or any server-based remote control application to use it? I made some Bot and mini robot car and this is based on sever using icloud, after user a few months I had facedicloud verification problem which I already solved from a support team.