Hello Makeblock,
I love your development tool. However, when we have several children who are developing at the same time, it is difficult to answer all of the questions.
When 4-5 children are stuck on a section of code (example: following a line) and their code really doesn’t work. I am obliged to write down their code and post the correct code so that they copy it. If it was possible to import a block and not a sprite, this would not delay the group.
Read-only code. It would be useful to be able to put a padlock on certain sections of code. The child can read the code but cannot modify it. This guarantees robot behavior common to all children.
Black box (Activable / Deactivable): A section of unknown code. Allows the child to try to reproduce the behavior without having the solution directly. When the black box option is removed, the code becomes read-only for the child to analyze the code.
Here are some examples of functionality that I personally would use.
Thank you
P.-S. Let’s discuss it in this post to help Makeblock in its educational development tool.