Cannot find AI extension for my codey


I installed mblock and added Neuron extension. But i cannot find AI extension in the extension center.


Hello Duxia,

I have the same problem. One day I use the AI extension and the other day it is no longer available. I do not know which version she has gone, but I would like to know when she will come back.

Note: I am in version 5.1 on PC


Same version. I can find the cognitive (ai) extension if i click on sprites.


Hi duxia,

I saw the version in Sprites but it does not look like how before. There was AI image recognition. Images of the dogs were indicated and indicated a percentage of concordance with the image shown on the camera.

Problem, there is too much application and too many OS. So, I do not know where I saw that.

Note: The extension is not in french


Advice anyone?


I am afraid that AI always comes with the sprites. It never come under Neuron.


What does this sentence in the product description mean?

The Neuron modules also include various advanced features like Wi-Fi, cameras and speakers. When used


Actually i am more interested in this feature.

Q11: Would it be possible to engage with Codey Rocky in a conversation?
Codey Rocky does not have a voice recognition feature, so conversation with it is not yet possible. However, voice control is possible if it is bundled with the voice recognition module of Neuron.


Hi All,

I have been developing Neuron and Codey since the beginning.
The features evolve a lot. For Neuron, do not see voice recognition. It is probably and only in the Neuron application (IOS). For AI, I remain convinced to have used image recognition under the following principle:

  • Add: 3-4 pictures of dogs
  • Add: 3-4 pictures of cats
  • Add: 3-4 images of Rabbits

When showing a Rabbit, the program indicates the percentage that the image show is a rabbit. I can not find where I was doing this anymore.

For voice recognition of Codey, it’s imposible. We must pass for Sprites with the PC / Tablet.


Neuron voice recognition block was discontinued. And currently there is no plan to add it back to Neuron. We are checking that if we have any other module to replace it.


That is the camera which needs to connect to wifi block. Wifi block can only work with mobile App-mBlock.