Can you connect Sprite with Device with a message?



I am trying to connect Codey with Sprite through a message but it does not work. Codey connected via USB and mBlock v5.0.0-RC.




I think you forget to disable “upload mode”. Please have a try, it should be working. I tried to write and upload this program to Codey Rocky:

Then choose Sprite and write below code:

And disable “upload mode” and keep Codey Rocky connected to mBlock 5, Press A and you’ll saw Panda says A.
We can also let Panda broadcast message and let Codey Rocky show or say when it receives message.
More projects of Codey Rocky, please have a reference of thislink:


hi !!!

Thanks again !!! . It works by sending Sprite message to Device as from Device to Sprite :+1::+1::+1:




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