Can someone point me to code for line follow AND avoidance together, mbot 2.0


hi, for my students we have mostly mbot base units, and we have 1 starter orion unit.
we did the remorte control, line follow, basic avoidance…
but can someone point me to the sample code for:

line following WITH avoidance, sort of like the maze following type.

once i see a sample that works, i can probably adjust it for the starter/orion unit as well.



thank you, ill try it out now!


hi, is this merely the line follow… as i was hoping to obtain the line following code WITH the avoidance …combined… as i have the line follow and the avoidance code separately…
thank again


You could try this which I used for my mBot. You might need to adjust the values and timing depending on the layout of your lines and size of your obstacle.


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