Cambridge Raspberry Jam is on Saturday, 6th September at the Institute of Astronomy, Madingley Road, Cambridge, UK. Our British distributor-Little British Robot Company will be showing the Big Robot Arm and self-balancing robot on the Jam.
If everyone who want to be there, you can support Little British Robot Company on that moment. Here the link:
Jam information
Broadly speaking, this Jam is a Focus on Robotics, but it won’t be limited just to that.
The Jam is open from 11am.
The talks begin at 12pm and are as follows:
Getting into Raspberry Pi Robotics
A Raspberry Pi Quadcopter
Cheating on your maths homework with Mathematica
Fractal generation on the Pi
Buyer Beware – shopping from China
PiBot & Robotics
Pi Wars Q&A
PID controllers for robotics
Programming in LISP
Workshops begin at 11.10am and are as follows:
Making motors work on your Pi
Using line followers and distance sensors
Building the TiddlyBot robot (two workshops)
Inventing with the Internet of Things
We will have a Marketplace as usual featuring the following vendors:
Dawn Robotics
SK Pang
The Pi Hut
Little British Robot Company