I am trying to make my own android app that connects to the Auriga: https://github.com/unbun/cs4610-arduino-2-android-bt/blob/master/app/src/main/java/athelas/javableapp/utils/BluetoothConnectionService.java
I am basing it off of the public android app software from makeblock. The issue I am having is that the Auriga refuses to connect to the phone. I tried using different UUID’s that I found on the repo, and the exact same method for connecting sockets (https://github.com/Makeblock-official/Makeblock-App-For-Android/blob/751e15f7bc51db3c7f32580195f77bcff5cd1b1c/src/cc/makeblock/makeblock/Bluetooth.java#L142) as the official app. Is there another way that I can open a socket between the auriga and my app?