Hi, I´m from Germany, 15 years old and a fan of your really cool robot-kits.
How can I make the following sketch give me an output on a Terminalprogram like Putty on windows or Blueterm on android. It should be just a test to get the thing work. In the long run I want to pass data through bluetooth - for example from the TestUltrasonicSensor-Sketch to a bluetooth-device… The Serial Monitor Part works flawless.
#include <Makeblock.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
MeBluetooth bluetooth(PORT_4);
int cnt = 0; // Counter
void setup()
{ Serial.begin(9600); // Initialization
bluetooth.begin(9600); // Initialization bluetooth
void loop()
{ cnt++;
Serial.print("Hello BB from Arduino! Counter:"); //print message
Serial.println(cnt); // print counter
delay(1000); // wait 1 sec
I´m a abolute beginner. I already searched the internet for an explanation, but wasn´t succesful. I guess because of the Baseshield, Bluetooth isn´t just working like a normal serial port? How can i adapt the sketch to make it act like one, or even use Serial-functions like “print, println, etc.”.
Thanks in advance for any suggesttions.