I’m really struggling to get benbox to work, the left and right arrows turn the laser on, and the up down arrows only move the plotter right! what on earth is happening? I’ve connected everything correctly on the plotter.
Benbox software not working
A quick guess here is that you’ve uploaded the wrong firmware for your board. There’s a post about using the new Benbox software where Albert details the steps you have to go through to choose and upload the hex file according to the type of baseboard you have. In the general discussion forum, see
"Laser Engraver Software Update for XY-Plotter V2.0&V2.02——BenBox 2.12.45"
I just looked back and saw you’ve got another thread open on this problem. If it’s relevant, I had some issues today where Benbox on startup couldn’t see my baseboard. I’d previously been using a different baseboard with the Gremote software. I had to unplug and plug in the USB lead a couple of times, I think I closed and re-opened Benbox, before it could see it and allow me to upload the firmware, Then, when I switched back to the other baseboard to run Gremote, once again there was no Orion detected on the USB port at all, and I had to restart Windows before it was visible.
Have you tried powering up the baseboard with the main supply before plugging in the USB lead? I have to do it on mine to avoid getting a warning about surge on the USB port.
Thanks, I uploaded the right firmware as far as I know. It’s the ME base board so I uploaded Leonardo.
It’s seeing it but doing weird things when I try to move the plotter with the arrow buttons.
I’ll try the usb disconnect before powering up.
I’m assuming it is the benbox_laser.60.32u4.20141225.hex file, that’s the only one that gets a tick from benbox…
I just tried that one, after two attempts I got a green tick but the plotter is still behaving in the same way.