Basic test for "Starter Robot Kit" from mBlock


for mBot, a basic test when using mBlock, is to light up leds.

Can this test be used for “Starter Robot Kit”? When using same scratch program as mBot, no led is lit on.

I have been able to switch on the two envine (from mBlock via USB port), but I would like a simpler test.



I have the same kit, it uses the Orion control board and I don’t think that it has on board LED’s. That said you could buy the LED extension that is in the back of the assembly manual (MeLED) and program that similarly. For a basic program I use the arrow key press events to start the motors. It also has a readout of the sensor (the panda has a word bubble with the value when it runs). Dont forget to hit the stop button a couple of times when you are done to terminate the program. See attached:
MB-BasicMotion.sb2 (74.1 KB)