Basic programming mbot



  1. When I make “when flag clicked” or “mbot program” in mblock for led matrix, even I upgrade firmware and reset to default program teh led matrix shows the last pattern when disconnected (stop flag or simply disconnect from usb).
    I was expecting that reset to default to erase everything and load the original program.

  2. Is it a way to merge the default program with a program made in mblock? I mean at point 1 if I make a led matrix program that shows different patterns one after another I want to have this program running on top of default program. As explained on point 1, when I disconnect mbot (usb or stop from scratch) led matrix shows the last snapshot.

Anyone can answer me please?



I’m not sure about #1, but for #2, you only get one program at a time. When you upload any program, the default or your own mBlock program, any previous code is over written.

As for #1, depending on which memory section the LED matrix gets its pattern from, it may not change if you upload a new program.

Hope this helps,
