Basic Motor question


Hello Everyone

How many motors can be operated with the meduino and the base shield?
How many servos? How many dc motors? and stepper motors? and where does the microstep driver come in?

I’m thinking 2 dc motor with the orange pins, 2 servos with the Me Dual Servo driver, and a stepper motor with the last red port and the Me stepper driver. Is that correct?

And if I wanted to have more motors how would I do that?

Thanks Everyone


I think it will support more motors by i2c.


There is a TB6612 motor driver IC on the baseshiled, so the baseshield can support 2 DC motors, The port 1 and port 2 on the baseshield also can connect 2 motors, with 2 DC motor drivers.

a servo driver can connect to port1 or port 2, each servo driver can support 2 servos, so the max number of servos is 4, with 2 servo drivers needed.

also the port1 and port2 support a stepper driver, the stepper driver is controlled by I2C, so it’s possible to connect more stepper driver with the help of deconcentrators.


Thanks for the answers, they were nice and complete, here’s another one.
Where does the Me 2H Microstep driver come in? How and where does it connect to the stepper motor and how do we connect it to the base shield?


Connect following the next scheme:


DC+ and DC- (to 12V power)

Signal (in 2H Microstep)

PUL: to any Arduino output
DIR: to any Arduino output
+5V : To +5V on the Arduino

Use AccelStepper library and look at their examples

#include <AccelStepper.h>

// Define a stepper and the pins it will use
AccelStepper stepperX(AccelStepper::DRIVER, 13, 12); // 13-PUL, 12-DIR PORT 3
AccelStepper stepperY(AccelStepper::DRIVER, 2, 8); // 2-PUL, 8-DIR, PORT 4
