Arundio upload mode


I just received a new Mbot ranger and child has built it and has completed the tutorial on his ipad and has also wrote a program to complete a task his mother set for him.

I have also downloaded the Mblock5 for windows version Jan 2020. I have connected to the ranger both with bluetooth and USB and with both methods can run programs in live mode but when I make programs with blocks it doesn’t create the equivalent ardunio code and it also doesn’t seem to have a compile and upload mode it jst6 run them in live mode from my PC

I really want to be able to use it like in this video

I also can’t use the when mbot ranger starts block either


Ok I just found the button to switch to upload mode from live mode now I get everything that I want :slight_smile:

I have also discovered that upload mode is only available with USB connection. Does anyone know if OTA via Bluetooth maybe added in future??


The 'When mBot Ranger starts up" block is only available when you switch to Upload mode. When you switch to this mode, a little orange tab appears at the right hand side with the text: </> - clicking on this will open up the code screen.


Do you see the Upload mode button on your screen?


Ok for anyone else reading this thread later, I have just discovered if you use upload mode it uploads your program over the firmware and if you want to then use live mode again you have to reflash the firmware by clicking on update firmware :slight_smile:


hehe , yes indeed.

Live mode is basically a client-server model, i.e. MBlock controls the mbot by sending commands, which are then interpreted by the firmware and the firmware then carries out the command, e.g. switch on the motor, read the sensor, light the LED.

Upload mode is a standalone model, i.e. the code that is generated is uploaded (replacing the standard firmware) into the mbot so that it can operate autonomously.

So, as you say, when switching from Upload to Live, you need to re-upload the standard firmware, replacing any code you had sent to the mbot.

For this reason, if you want to control the mbot by the bluetooth app, you need to make sure it has the standard firmware loaded first.

Enjoy the journey of discovery!


OTA Bluetooth

You need the bluetooth dongle for that as far as I know. Not sure what the difference is between this and a standard BT 4.0 connection!


You can upload program with a Makeblock Bluetooth dongle.
