Arduino digital read fix


New to mBlock, not using makeblock products. I am evaluating the use of mBlock to teach Arduino programming to middle and high school students. It actually looks pretty good as an intermediary step. I like going from Scratch to a direct upload to Arduino.

However, the digitalRead block is faulty as it reads an integer value (1,0) but is structured as a logical value (true, false) with pointy ends. I’m not sure if I’m using the right words to describe this but I know it doesn’t work. One solution I found is to correct the s2e file for Arduino to substitute “digitalRead({0}) == 1” for “digitalRead({0})”. This does work.

What I don’t know though is whether I can change the install file to install the correct line, or whether I can provide students with an easy way to change it in their installations. (My course is being provided via Moodle California-wide, so its not easy to step people through the replacement. Anyone have any suggestions?



Im not sure if this helps much but boolean values are very often coerced from other types especially when a programming language does not actually have a native boolean type.
true = 1
true = "1"
false = 0
false = “”

not all languages will agree on “0” since that depends on how a string is coerced into an int.
Test in an if statement to see for yourself.


Yeah, thanks. I found out that the way it is set reads true if there is 5V and false if there is 0V. So it can work as a boolean. Thanks for jugging my noggin.