Hello, I Have a slight problem with the coding of ur arduino makeblock drive beacuse whenever i try to compile a code with the <MeAuriga.h> on MacBook it gives me this error {Compilation error: Error: 2 UNKNOWN: no FQBN provided} and on windows it gives me this error:
{Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:84:18: error: ‘A10’ was not declared in this scope
{ 16, 17 }, { A10, A15 }, { A9, A14 }, { A8, A13 }, { A7, A12 },
Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:84:18: note: suggested alternative: ‘A1’
{ 16, 17 }, { A10, A15 }, { A9, A14 }, { A8, A13 }, { A7, A12 },
Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:84:23: error: ‘A15’ was not declared in this scope
{ 16, 17 }, { A10, A15 }, { A9, A14 }, { A8, A13 }, { A7, A12 },
Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:84:23: note: suggested alternative: ‘A5’
{ 16, 17 }, { A10, A15 }, { A9, A14 }, { A8, A13 }, { A7, A12 },
Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:84:33: error: ‘A9’ was not declared in this scope
{ 16, 17 }, { A10, A15 }, { A9, A14 }, { A8, A13 }, { A7, A12 },
Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:84:33: note: suggested alternative: ‘A7’
{ 16, 17 }, { A10, A15 }, { A9, A14 }, { A8, A13 }, { A7, A12 },
Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:84:37: error: ‘A14’ was not declared in this scope
{ 16, 17 }, { A10, A15 }, { A9, A14 }, { A8, A13 }, { A7, A12 },
Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:84:37: note: suggested alternative: ‘A4’
{ 16, 17 }, { A10, A15 }, { A9, A14 }, { A8, A13 }, { A7, A12 },
Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:84:47: error: ‘A8’ was not declared in this scope
{ 16, 17 }, { A10, A15 }, { A9, A14 }, { A8, A13 }, { A7, A12 },
Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:84:47: note: suggested alternative: ‘A7’
{ 16, 17 }, { A10, A15 }, { A9, A14 }, { A8, A13 }, { A7, A12 },
Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:84:51: error: ‘A13’ was not declared in this scope
{ 16, 17 }, { A10, A15 }, { A9, A14 }, { A8, A13 }, { A7, A12 },
Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:84:51: note: suggested alternative: ‘A3’
{ 16, 17 }, { A10, A15 }, { A9, A14 }, { A8, A13 }, { A7, A12 },
Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:84:65: error: ‘A12’ was not declared in this scope
{ 16, 17 }, { A10, A15 }, { A9, A14 }, { A8, A13 }, { A7, A12 },
Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:84:65: note: suggested alternative: ‘A2’
{ 16, 17 }, { A10, A15 }, { A9, A14 }, { A8, A13 }, { A7, A12 },
Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:86:9: error: ‘A11’ was not declared in this scope
{ A6,A11 }, { NC, A2 }, { NC, A3 }, { NC, A0 }, { NC, A1 },
Arduino\libraries\Makeblock-Libraries-master\src/MeAuriga.h:86:9: note: suggested alternative: ‘A1’
{ A6,A11 }, { NC, A2 }, { NC, A3 }, { NC, A0 }, { NC, A1 },
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino Uno.}
and this is the code (
int joyYR;
int joyXR;
int joyYL;
int joyXL;
#include <MePS2.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <MeAuriga.h>
#include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h>
MePort port_6(6);
Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver();
MePS2 MePS2(PORT_16);
#define SERVOMIN 150
#define SERVOMAX 600
#define MIN_PULSE_WIDTH 800
#define MAX_PULSE_WIDTH 2200
#define FREQUENCY 100
int pulseWidth(int angle){
int pulse_wide, analog_value;
pulse_wide = map(angle, 0, 180, MIN_PULSE_WIDTH, MAX_PULSE_WIDTH);
analog_value = int(float(pulse_wide) / 1000000 * FREQUENCY * 4096);
return analog_value;
void setup() {
while(1) {
void _loop() {
void loop() {
} )