I recently set up the Laserbox in my home office but because this room is inside other rooms it has no windows just a big sky light that’s 5 meters up, after testing it was evident that I needed to vent outside, only problem was that I needed 18 meters if tubing to do this and that was going to reduce the venting considerably. My solution was to add an in-line fan at 10 meters, the fan can move 120 cubic meters of air an hour, next I programmed 2 wireless plugs and connected the fan to 1 and the Laserbox to the other, they are both on the same Chanel.
If I switch off the Laserbox at the plug socket this also switches off the fan and visa versa so no chance of forgetting to switch the fan on, If I switch off the Laserbox at the back of the machine the fan stays on and constantly keeps a depression inside the machine.
It works great and no smells or escaping fumes after the laser box fan stops, at the end of the day I can switch off at the plug and everything stops.
Hope this helps.