Add Upload Mode Broadcast to Custom Device


Good work. I am the extension developer of the r_e_x_v1 device. Can you enable the official upload mode broadcasting extension for our device?


Hi there:

Thank you for your feedback,we’ll enable the extension for you later.


Thank you so much.
We made extension trials for our device. We cannot delete them. Can you delete any other extensions we have released for the device?



Can you provide you general user information and extensions ID? we’ll delete the extensions for you after we comfirm the information,thankyou.


UserName: robotistan_com
Extension ID:

  • ext_c6d6d197
  • rex_broadcast
  • rex_yukleme_modu_yayini

We would appreciate it if you would remove these three extensions.

Thank you again for enabling the official upload mode broadcasting extension.



ok,thank you very much we’ll delete it later