Adapting with lego parts



I’m a little disappointed because I guess I misunderstood something. I purchased an mBot for my son and one for myself. One of the reasons for choosing from this company was because I thought I read that you can use lego parts with these robots. Well, I took a few lego parts from my son’s room and none of them fit in the mBot frame. The lego pins are too large. What am I missing here?



What ever you read, they may have meant the electronic parts like motors and servos, which are pretty generic.

You can certainly build a lego unit and mount the Makeblock electronics into it, but the hardware does seem to only match up with other Makeblock ‘bricks’

I found erector set parts much more usable for expanding the robot hardware, and extra electronic modules can be found on the internet like these:


Thanks for your reply Gort. Their website is VERY misleading. Here is what it says,

“The mechanical body of the mBot is compatible with Makeblock platform
and most of Lego parts, while the electronic parts of it is developed
based on the Arduino open source ecosystem.”

They need to modify their claim if as you say it is only compatible with electronic parts.


pl. check this article, it’s an example of combine makeblock with lego.


Hi Chessdad,

If you didn’t mean the NXT parts I can also confirm that it is compatible with Lego parts. What I had to do is to screw a long technic Lego bar with holes to the robot (using the extra screws I got for my StarterKit) and than you can just combine it with normal Lego parts. My son also wanted to have a minifig sitting on top of the robot on day 1. :slightly_smiling:


I too noticed that, however, the hole spacing of MakeBlock matches the spacing of Lego Technic, and the Lego hole size (approx. 4mm) matches the hole size of Meccano. Also, some MakeBlock components have a larger hole (s) to match larger spindles.

It means that it is possible to connect the different part together mechanically using MakeBlock screws,washers and nuts.

Having said that, it would be nice if MakeBlock added to the range of components, some adapter-spacers to reduce the slop in The Lego/Meccano holes, and to match the thickness of Technic beams, and also included a few more screws and nuts to the mBot set.

