3D Model of mBot Ranger


Hello @tech_support,

I would like to know if there is any CAD or SW model for the mBot Ranger version Bluetooth I can use to convert into an URDF file for ROS application. Some parts are missing in the GrabCAD, such as the Me Auriga board or the 180 Optical Encoder motor.

Thank you,



Hi Shanika,
I will send you later, please check your email inbox then.


Could you please just send a message me once you have sent them? Thank you.


Sorry I sent it again.


I am sorry, I still didn’t receive them


It shows it sent successfully. Have you checked the spam box?
I will try again to put it in cloud server so you can download: http://download.makeblock.com/ranger%203d-en.rar


Thank you , I downloaded the files that were in the cloud server ^^


:grinning: Glad to hear that~


I have one last issue concerning the 3wheels-2.STEP file. I can easily open the Nervous Bird and the Land Raider model in freeCAD but there is an “Access violation” error when I try to open the Dashing Raptor model (which is the one I need). What can I do to open this file in freeCAD ?


Can you open other files? How about other program instead of freeCAD?
There are two file: STEP and SLDASM, both are not working?
There are old resources and we just sent the zipped file to users who ask for it. I am afraid there is no same feedback yet.


I could open the other STEP file but since I don’t have Solidworks, I coudn’t open the SLDASM. I managed to open the Dashing Raptor model on CAD assistant. It worked well, thank you :slight_smile:




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