Wifi Module for IoT robots


Hi Makeblock,

I think it would be really cool to have a wifi module to connect the robot to the internet and an API so that it can be controlled. I would be a really cool extension of the makeblock platform.


+1 from me!


The Wifi module is coming :slight_smile: This is the prototype, we are going to soldering and test it.




Good choice of IC + version of the PCB, but make sure you update the firmware to the very latest. The ESP8266 is notoriously buggy…


I have one of these (yours) but I can’t get it to work reliably. I would like to have access to the source code and the schematic. I’m using other ESP8266 modules as transparent WiFi to serial links and they work fine. The UDP server is not reliable as far as I can tell. When I use the same UDP client with another UDP server if works fine.


Did you solve this problem?


No luck with yours. I’m running my own version of a transparent WiFi to serial gateway with an Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 Breakout without any problems. I modified the EasyTransfer library to work over TCP/IP on one end of the link and using the regular serial EasyTransfer library on the MekBlock side. I gave up on your Orion baseboard and am using a AT Mega 2560 with your Uno shield instead so that I can have a hardware serial port without trying up the console port. I recently ported the EasyTransfer serial library over to a Raspberry Pi so I can control the robot with a PS3 controller and your Raspberry Pi shield using the SDL joystick interface.


Can you share a few ordering links and maybe a picture of your setup? I think I’m going to want to reproduce this. Thanks. Also if you find me on twitter ‘abigdreamer’ I have somebody from kaa project I want to introduce you to. You might be able to help. Or mikegps1@gmail.com ‘foxtowsupport’ via Skype. Thanks


Did you add the WiFi to the the MakeBlock Arduino library?



I’m still having problems getting your Wifi to work with the current Arduino library. Is this supposed to work or not? I would still like to get access to your WifI source code for the ESP8266. Please advise.