After plugging the USB cable, my computer cant find the serial port?


After plugging the USB cable, my computer can‘t find the serial port?

1.You may forget installing the driver, you can find “install driver” on mBlock, also you can download from here:
2.You may forget to start the Orion board, kindly check and turn it on, if you keep the Orion board off, computer couldnt detect the serial port.
3.After excluded the upper two, you can try another serial port or use another computer.If still any problem, you can contact for further analyse.

Connecting USB to MAC OS 10.10


I had the exact same problem, luckily I had a genuine Arduino Uno to hand and this worked faultlessly with my iMac / Arduino IDE - so the problem with the MakeBlock Orion. After much Gooleing this site identified and fixed the problem.

John Dobson


Thank you for your post. It solved the connectivity problem.
