Using Multiple Me Color Sensor


Hello. We have a project going on with mBot Ranger and we are trying to modify it for a task which would require at least 2 color sensors. However, we found troubles when we have 2 color sensors connected to the board.

We made a test program and tried, but that only works when 2 sensors detect the same color. Could anyone please kindly suggest what would be the problems?

Here is the test program. The parts that are not shown is just setting the B value of the LED.


Hi Jason,
Have you tried extension “me color sensor” instead of “me color sensor for ranger”?
Or is your color sensor “me color sensor V1.2”?


Thanks for your reply.
I have checked that our sensors are “Me Color Sensor v1.0”.
I have also further tested it with the extension you mentioned.
After testing multiple times, both LEDs flash with the same color and it seems to be approximately the mix of the 2 colors detected by the sensors.
Is this a limitation or is there any solutions to this problem?


Hi jason,
v1.0 and v1.2 makes no difference in performance.
Maybe led 1 and 2 are too close to tell the light; Try led 1 and 6 or 7;
The color you detect may have similar value in RGB though they look quite different on the surface, so you may test them separately.
Please also kindly take a video of the issue.

Mbot extension colour sensor

Hello. Here is my latest testing program.

I switched the LEDs to 1 and 7; and ports connected to the color sensors are port 6 and 8. The colors that I used are actually RGB.
I test that in dark and removed all other parts to eliminate the other factors that may affect the test.
I took 2 videos. You can see that the LEDs do not light up initially and when I put another color in front of the second sensor, they do and they give the same color. I even tried to disconnect one of the sensor and both LEDs still light up with the same color. This actually give me the though that only one color sensor can be used and if 2 sensors are connect to a single board, the signals actually affect each other.

Please let me know if there is any solution. Thanks very much for your reply.


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