Trying to understand the Extension Builder's coding concepts


It is not true that it is not possible to create extensions that function not only in Upload mode, but also in Live mode. The extension “Advanced Arduino” I created works in both modes (blocks of the “Advanced Pins” category). Moreover, you can add the device “Common UNO Device” and make sure that it also works in both modes. But it’s not scary that creating such extensions is difficult (since the developers tried to complicate the solution of this task as much as possible). A really valuable tool that works well and allows you to control sprites is the extension “Upload Mode Broadcast”.


Hi a1egr0

Thanks for your considered response - I’ve received very few on this topic. Your “Advanced Arduino” extension looks good and you are essentially correct, some things are possible in both modes, but nowhere as much as I would like to achieve.

Did you not notice my image of my Lab-Pack ‘Stage’ screen earlier in this post communicating with Devices?
I am therefore totally au fait with the concepts of the extension “Upload Mode Broadcast”.

For the benefit of others on the Forum who might want to know more, see my musings on “Upload Mode Broadcasts” below:


Hi, CommandeR,
I’m sorry, I didn’t look through this whole thread. I agree that the “Live” mode in the mBlock 5 environment works very badly (unlike the MindPlus environment, for example). By the way, you can use the extension “Serial Broadcast” with the application “Serial Broadcast PC” instead of “Upload Mode Broadcast” (or the combination “Serial Broadcast” plus “UART Broadcast”). In this case, there is no need to click on the “Upload” button every time after opening the project.



At last, someone working on something similar & giving something back to the Forum. Thanks for the info. I’ve just had a quick look at "Serial Broadcast PC” and have downloaded the two mext files to study later. Had a very quick look at your “Uart Broadcast” extension too.

Much appreciated



Thanks, I’m glad I was helpful. Do not forget that in order to use the “Serial Broadcast” extension, you also need to download and install the application from the developers’ website.

“UART Broadcast” uses hardware serial instead of software serial.
I hope you enjoy my extension “Advanced Arduino” as you get to know it better. I have posted a number of examples on how to use this extension.


Hi @a1egr0

Sadly, my system tells me that the website has a Trojan …


This website only allows you to create short links that are easy to use. Perhaps someone is linking to Trojan sites. You can use the direct link to the extension description:


Thanks - This link works fine.


Hi @a1egr0

I really am in awe at the scope of what your comprehensive extension “Advanced Arduino” can achieve. I haven’t really used it yet since I don’t often programme Arduino boards other than Makeblock’s own, but I DO recommend this to all Forum followers - do take a look everyone!



I am very grateful to you for the appreciation of my work. The extension “Advanced Arduino” was created for my own needs, including so that schoolchildren could effectively participate in robotics competitions. I started development back in 2018, in the mBlock3 environment, so this is a project that has been verified by time and practice. By the way, many extension options are also in demand when programming Makeblock controllers, for example, using arrays, typed variables and functions, etc.


Refreshing my post especially for @Mack13 @AngieGrams and others to check out…

… thought you might like to see these book pages too.


Nice! I’ve included the Robotic Arm Add-on Pack for mBot and mBot Ranger in my order. It and mBot Ranger are slow to ship; mBot neo has had a shipping label created. Wonder which will arrive first. . . .

In any case, the interchangeability that started my posting on this forum is what I’m hoping will be a possibility so the three grands can work with each other’s models in a creative way.


Seasons Greetings Makeblock Lovers

May all your creations work as intended.


Thanks! Merry Christmas!


Hi Everyone

I’ve just returned to documenting my extensions experiments after a forced break from such things; and when I reopened my test file in the Extension Builder (see Sept 22 onwards - facilitating real-time data transmission from sensors ) I just happened to noticed that the four names in the list of ‘Supported devices’ for my blocks under the ‘basic information’ tab. had changed - see below:


I had entered these device types to ensure that all of my new extension blocks were compatible with mCore, MegaPi, Orion & Auriga ; the ‘first-generation’ of Makeblock’s mainboards.

auriga was no longer there. charioteer had been substituted and ‘Auriga’ was no longer to be seen in the drop down list of ‘Supported devices’ .

Has anyone else come across this. I cannot find any reference anywhere on line to Makeblock changing the device name - so strange that this has not been documented!


Whoops! I may have got this wrong. I started the Extension Builder & logged on to it using the original Chinese language version not using Google to translate it to English. This may have caused the ‘charioteer’ name to be substituted for ‘auriga’? After restarting the Extension Builder, it seems to be displaying my devices normally for me now and ‘auriga’ is clearly in the drop down list :



I’ve never had the problem. I think that you are right in saying:

I tried Google Translate and this is what I got:


Yeah! But worth posting so other users are aware of it.


Yep. :slight_smile:

Wie erstelle ich eine Erweiterung in mblock?


This old post sequence on getting to grips with the Extension builder might give you a few useful clues…