Quality of mechanical parts (shaft connector)


I see some very interesting parts are being designed and would like to buy them all.

Hopefully you will improve the quality control. As you can see in this picture, the shaft connector on the right is unusable


About this part I got some problems too, the guide of the black screw (1.5mm allen head) connector gets unusable, I thknk that is because of the soft material, maybe I adjust it too much one time but now I can’t use that part, I will update pics on weekend.

Same as Paul, I don’t want the part back, is just my 2 cents to make MakeBlock the best ever construction plataform.


Thanks for all of your supports and suggestions!

We are now improving our products’ quality and the quality control. We also find the problem of the shaft connector and improve the quality of it in our new batch of products.

If there are any problems of our products, just post here, and we will try our best to solve it. Let’s make Makeblock better together! Thank you so much!!!