Plotter won't work - Mac El Capitan


Hey there,

just bought a Plotter yesterday. Everything was assembled without any problem. But I won´t get it work wir my Mac & El Capitan. When I´m connecting the board with my Mac there is no new interface and i can´t control the plotter. Could anyone help my with the driver?

Thanks in advance


@el-kai Have you had any success? What program are you trying to use to interface with the plotter?


Got it working now. Here are some problems I ran across and how I fixed them:

Board not recognized

When trying to upload the firmware via Arduino the board did not show up, this is due to a change in Mac OS X 10.11 – El Capitan. You have to install a signed driver for the chip. You can buy one for 7$ – HL-340 / CH-340 / CH-341 Driver or use this free one: If you want to uninstall either of them use uninstallpkg.
Afterwards the board should show up in Arduino.

Wrong Board Selected

When the board showed up in Arduino I uploaded the firmware to the board and had Leonardo selected. I got the message Upload successful, but it didn’t work. I am using the Orion Board (look at the back of the mainboard) and had to select Uno in Arduino.

Power Supply

As the motors consume a lot of power your power supply has to be strong enough. I tried with a 1500mAh power supply which did not work. I had to use an US —> EU adapter to use the power supply from the kit.

GRemote does not show up

At first not the full graphical user interface was shown in GRemote. After I changed the power supply and selected the right board it was showing up.

It is printing now…

Can't get XY to work