@Huluwa, In fact we can wait for 3 weeks to tests the parts, and pay 10usd or 15usd for the shipping. Here in argentina if the packages are under 500gr the package go through customs with no problems and really fast, for bigger package like the kits we have to wait the clearage, and explain and justify why we need them.
With Makeblock in argentina we have the problem that because it contains multiple pieces of same item is considered as a reseller package to sell individual parts (crazy things that we live a diary in Argentina) so for me, I will prefer to pay the shipping (even the express one) and get regularly small package to test parts than get a bigger package as a kit and can’t get it because customs
PS: Of course that we will pay also a subscription or something like that for the parts that u send, ie, I’m not asking for testing part for free, we want to pay for them
Thanks for ur time and support.