How to use Codey Rocky control my TV
Testing environment
mBlock 5-RC 3 version or later
Codey Rocky firmware: or later
Program with Python; (if program with scratch, it can only learn one key from IR controller)
Python API documents: https://makeblock-micropython-ap … rocky/codey/IR.html
Main modules related: LED light, IR, Key, face panel
Here is the program example:
We can download and paste it in mBlock 5, then upload it to Codey Rocky
How to use (based on above program)
Once turn on Codey Rocky, it will show you “=IR=”;
Press C and about 0.2 seconds later, Led will be red on and it goes to learning mode, please take out your TV controller;
Press A, the Led will be flashing blue. At this time, point your TV controller to the Codey and press the key (like volume key +) on the TV controller that you want A to learn; Press A again, it will finish learning state and Led turns off. Now A has learned the key function of the TV controller;
In same way, let B learn two more keys from the TV controller;
After that, you can use A and B to control TV.
If the operation is exactly correct, but it fails to control TV. Maybe the TV controller is not compatible. Please make sure the TV controller is NEC protocal.