When creating a new extension with the extension builder, there is a place to choose Support device / sprite, which is called haloboard. Isn’t it halocode?
Extension builder mistake
Hi dai5_jp,
It is Halocode, maybe the website you encountered is not updated yet. Could you please show me the screen shot and url?
The name was uploaded before and previous projects are still rely on it. Changing the name will influence incompatibility. So we will not change the name right now. Thank you for your understanding.
It is similar to Ultimate 2.0. I want to create an extension for the kit but
I cant find the right device. I know the board is a megapi but the existing progamm is created in Ultimate2.0 and i dont want to copy it manually as I am unable to copy and past between devices.
If i upload the extension for Megapi in Mblock5 it will not show up on ultimate device but on Megapi.
Can someone tell me why this is so and how I create an extension for the ultimate 2.0 device?
@tech_support is there a plan to integrate this device?
Hi henplo,
Have you refered to the instructions in this link? Normally, you can create your own extension for Ultimate 2.0 robot as well.