Can use machine learning or teachable machine extension in the app?


I can use both machine learning and teachable machine extensions in web. But I cannot find it in my mobile app.


@Best_codes could you advise on this? Thanks


@sdx0112 No, the extensions aren’t supported on the app yet. I think they might be coming soon on iOS, but not on the Android app.


@Best_codes Thanks for your reply. Do you have a estimated timeline when it will be available on iOS?

I am also trying to create my own extension to load teachable machine models to mblock, but struggling with two issues.

  1. I can create a very simple extension and preview it in mblock web version. But after I modify the extension and re-do preview, the modification is not reflected in mblock. The extension in mblock is always the old version.
  2. I can test my extension in mblock web. How to test it in iOS app?



  1. This is a known bug, sorry. You have to update the extension ID every time to fix the issue.
  2. You can’t test extensions on the iOS or Android app yet, as far as I’m aware.

I’m also not sure

I can ask an mBlock employee I’m friends with and see, if that would be helpful. :slight_smile:



That will be very helpful. I really need this feature soonest.

When building my extension, I uploaded js files to common code settings as external library. Will these libraries be imported automatically? Is there anything I must do to use the functions from these js files in the javascript editor?


@Best_codes does this mean even if my extension gets approved, still cannot use in iOS app?


@Best_codes Since yesterday I cannot test my extension even in web. When I click preview, it does open a new window for block coding, but my extension is not in the block category panel. Could you please check if it is a technical issue? Thanks


@sdx0112 I believe this is a technical issue. Can you create a new extension and see if the same problem occurs?