Can I buy a laser machine from Aliexpress? Is there a durable one?


There are all kinds of laser machines on Aliexpress, but with shipping and customs, good machines won’t cost any cheaper.

But, you can buy a cheap machine tool if you just want to “play”. For the first time - why not.

But if you need the machine for production, it’s better to buy from a large, trusted company that will provide delivery and warranty on the machine.

If you are not confused by the site, and that the product is Chinese, then don’t worry. China has changed and already has divisions into:

  1. “Factory China” - good quality goods, the same Iphone is assembled in China.
  2. “Basement China” - goods with the brand name Noname, the quality of which depends only on chance.

So, I can say - don’t be afraid of Chinese laser machines or CNC wood routers. Pick the right manufacturer and you’ll get a good machine!

What do you think about Chinese CNC machines?


I don’t think any product from China should be considered bad anymore. There are a lot of CNC machines and components made in China. Wattsan laser machines are an example of a good product.


mBlock makes some decent laser machines. You should check out theirs! (Click Here)