With this new part we can have more angled mode
There is a circle hole in the middle of it can be used as a rotating rod,more pictrue will be upload just for more suggestion!!
Frank, When the early backers can get some of these new designs ? maybe paying a monthly fee plus shipping to test drive all this cool stuff ? if there is an option for that, I will love to pay a bit to test this stuff and send lot of feedback to u, just send a private message via the forum and I will send my contact info
[quote=“Markuitos, post:3, topic:189”]Frank, When the early backers can get some of these new designs ? maybe paying a monthly fee plus shipping to test drive all this cool stuff ? if there is an option for that, I will love to pay a bit to test this stuff and send lot of feedback to u, just send a private message via the forum and I will send my contact info
Hi Markutios,
We are so glad that you like our products and want to help to improve the new designs. We are now finding some VIP customers just like you and send them our new designs per month. This project is just in planning now. And we will contact you about how to send you the new designs after we finish the Upgrade of Me Series Electronic Modules for Kickstart backers. We will make an update about this Upgrade on Kickstart soon.
And you can see more details about the Me Series Electronic Modules here in our blog:
The bracket looks useful.
I’d be very interested in getting in on the VIP program too…
I would love to be on that list too!
I’ll upload some pics of what I’m working on in a different forum area.