Newbie question mbot2 to bluetooth controller connection


Hey folks I am trying to get some basic things to work to et my grandkids to starting programming. I can’t seem to get the bluetooth controller to connect to the programming app on IOS or the chrome browser on my mac. The Mbot2 and cyberPi connect just fine. I can get the bluetooth controller to connect to the Mbot2 but no controls work. As the glutton controller will not connect via bluetooth to my mac I can get the program objects for the controller to upload to the Mbot2. If i could just get the bluetooth hand held controller to control the Mbot2, I can take her programming from there.
Any help and guidance is appreciated.


@jasleinstein the Bluetooth controller (the remote-type one) is not supposed to connect to a computer. And the reason it appears not to work with mBot 2 is because you have to code it. Check out the post here for more on that: