Makeblock Neuron: connecting WiFi block to Neuron hotspot


Learnt from fellow Neuron backer @Fahim that to connect wifi block to Neuron hotspot, the wifi password is “makeblock”.


Hi IvanHoe,

For the issue that the rotate speed of one servo is much slower than the other servo, could you please check how much power is in the Power block refer to the user manual. Kindly fully charge the power block if it doesn’t have full power and then test the servos.

Once still the same phenomenon with the top servo, please switch the place of the two servos and see if still the servo which connected top port of the driver rotate slower?


Hi Makeblock tect_support,

Thank you for your reply.

I created another post in this forum related to the Dual Servo Driver + servos issue: Dual Servo Driver + Servo (p25 pf the manual) - 17/7/17

Appreciate if we can communicate there.
