What's the difference between the Firmware_for_MegaPiPro.ino and Firmware_for_MegaPi.ino?


I download the Makeblock-Libraries-master.zip from https://github.com/Makeblock-official/Makeblock-Libraries/archive/master.zip.

When I open the samples by Arduino, I found two similar ino file, Firmware_for_MegaPiPro.ino and Firmware_for_MegaPi.ino. What’s the difference between them? Thanks.


Hi Kingrocky,

MegaPi and MegaPi pro are two different boards from Makeblock.
If you have a MegaPi board, you can use the firmware_for_MegaPi.

If you have MegaPi pro, you need use firmware_for_MegaPiPro.
Refer to this post which introduced the MegaPi pro.
