Use Me High-Power Encoder Motor Driver to drive Optical Encoder Motor-25 9V/86RPM?


I have the following equipments:
1.Optical Encoder Motor-25 9V/86RPM
2.Me UNO Shield
3.Arduino Uno
4. Me High-Power Encoder Motor Driver
5.6P motor cable and RJ25 cable.

Would any one please tell me can I use the “Me High-Power Encoder Motor Driver” to drive “Optical Encoder Motor-25 9V/86RPM”. Which cables should I use to make a connection between the “Optical Encoder Motor-25 9V/86RPM” and the “Me High-Power Encoder Motor Driver”. Would anyone please show me also a schematic diagram illustrating the connection.
Thank you in advance.


Hi Huy_Vub,

The me high-power encoder motor driver is used to drive the 36mm encoder DC motor instead of the optical Encoder motor-25.
To drive the optical encoder motor-25, you need the me encoder motor driver.


Thank you for your support.
