Ultimate 2.0 Kit


Hello, I recently purchased a Makeblock Ultimate 2.0 robotics kit and I am planning on assembling it into the Robotic Arm Tank form. Once I do so, I am wondering about different ways to program it. Would this kit allow the arm to record a movement and then repeat that? As in can I grab the arm, and demonstrate the movement so that when I let it go the arm continues doing that movement? I appreciate any help you can give me! Thanks!


Once you upload program to MegaPi, which is the main board of Ultimate 2.0, it will keep repeat the same program until you upload new program for it.


No, the robot will not be able to learn movements in such a way. You would need to learn to adjust the arms movement by positioning the encoder motor which controls the arm’s up and down movement using the MBLOCK software. You’ll see there is one command specifically for this type of operation which will rotate an encoder motor X number of degrees in Y direction of rotation. This is what you will need to use for basic arm movement functionality. What you do from there with your programming and various sensors and inputs is up to you. Hope that helps!
