Suggestion for application Neuron or Cody Rocky


Hi Makeblock,

I have been using the Neuron app from the beginning and it is getting better.
I would like to see in future versions, an application for the use of several students:

  • Possibility to create directories for the organization;
  • Possibility to import / explore projects or parts of programs;
  • Possibility to work on same program from multiple devices at the same time (with the black boxes);;
  • Possibility to have groupings (black box);

I propose : Black box

The application works well when the program is simple.
However, when there is a lot of instruction, it quickly becomes like spaghetti.

The own a new instruction to group a set of code.

  • b2Normal black box
  • b1Secure black box (so that the student does not see the solution)

Principle is simple. Several input values and one output value. When double-clicking on the black box, it opens a blank page to add a set of instructions. The clarity of the code will only be better. It is also necessary to add a label to the black box to indicate what made or which student is responsible for this part.

Example of a project that I wanted to make even more complex but spaguetti code stop me: TNT


Hi Crackel,

You always have a lot of wonderful ideas. These has been showed to our product manager, thanks for sharing them.
