Starter Kit Tutorials/Sample Programs Provided


I couldnt find any tutorials for the Starter kit so I thought I would provide the ones I came up with for my daughter. I’ve spent the last couple of mornings putting these together. It would have been faster but I found a defect with the mBlock program when using the ‘Flag’ event in Scratch. I dont recommend using it at this time (you can refer to my other post). This uses the Orion board with two motors etc. Samples below, enjoy.

One is a basic movement program that is controlled with key presses (arrows and space).
The other is an obstacle avoidance program. (Note after uploading the program, I slowed down the motor speed for the turn block to 100 instead of 255 because it had a tendency to tip over when in corners.)
MB-AvoidTurnRight.sb2 (74.2 KB)
MB-BasicMotion.sb2 (74.1 KB)