Simulate mbot with Mblock


Hello everyone. I would like to know if there is a way to simulate mbot to mblock. For example, if i want to make mbot’s lights turn on and off for specific time, to be able to see than happening on mblock without uploading it to mbot or use mbot. I have only 1 mbot for 5 teams in my lab and so if my students can work and watch what happens without using mbot just on mblock. I hope you understand what i want to do because my english isn’t perfect…
Thank you


To the best of my knowledge, there is not an mBot simulator. You could make an image of an mBot and set the colors of the LEDs, etc, as part of a pure Scratch program using mBlock to accomplish that simulation. However, the memory on the mBot is much smaller than most computers so be careful setting expectations about being able to upload large programs to the mBot.


Hi, here is a mBot simulator:
