Scratch programing for ultrasonic sensor mBlock


Hi, I am new to programing and I bought my son and daughter each a mBlock robot for Christmas. I know nothing about programing and am looking for a tutorial on how to program the ultrasonic sensor for the mBlock. Both of my kids are home schooled so they have had zero exposure to programing. Thanks in advance for your help.


Hi Dejawi,

Which robot did you buy? Is it mBot?
If yes, please refer to this link about the mBot programming.


I bought two different bots. One is an mBot the other is a Robot Tank.


Hi Dejawi,

The Robot Tank do you mean the starter robot?

There is no program online course special for Starter, while the mBlock program principle is same, you can refer to the program course for mBot to program the Starter.
The difference is that the Starter robot use Me Orion board while mBot use the mCore board. When you program for Starter, you need choose Orion under Board option on mBlock.


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