Programming problem


I have a new mbot ranger bt, installed latest version of makeblock app and mbot app from google play. Android 6.0
When i try to control robot manually in app - everything works fine
But if I go to programming mode (mbot) - any command does nothing at all, but bluetooth led stop blinking and lights constantly, bluetooth disconnects and can not connect again until I power robot off and on again.
Tried to reset default program via pc, upgraded firmware (unplugged usb cable after that) - nothing helps - programming via android app is absolutely impossible =(


Hi Lectors,

The mBot APP has been offline for a long time.
If you want to program mBot Ranger, you can use the mBlock APP.

Btw, what is the language settings on your mobile device?
Currently, the mBlock APP with 10 languages (Chinese, English, French, Ukrainian, Turkish, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese, German) can support mBot Ranger.

Besides, I need to mention that when you upgrade firmware for mBot Ranger with mBlock software, make sure you choose the Board “mBot Ranger” instead of “mBot”


Sure, I used “mBot Ranger (Auriga)”.
My phone is Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 32Gb
Language settings: russian
Apps: makeblock and mblock (when i go to “code” in makeblock it runs mblock)
Versions: Makeblock 3.1.0, mblock 0.8.4, on robot: Auriga 09.01.017

Everyhing works well when I use manual control or custom control panel (makeblock app)
But in programming mode nothing works, even in “story (quest)” mode (mblock app)


And after running script bluetooth led lights constantly, not blinking

At the same time app looses bluetooth connection and I need to reconnect it.


2 times after reconnect I run command to play C5 for 1/4
and robot moved back and left instead of this
other commands don’t work

Tried it on my wife’s phone - Xiaomi Redmi 3
All the same =(


Hi Lectors,

Do you mean in program mode, both the Makeblock APP and mBlock APP don’t work properly?
If yes, besides the Xiaomi smart phones, do you have other android phone or IOS device have a check!

If only the mBlock APP works unnormal, please switch the language settings on your mobile phone to English. Then open the mBlock APP to program the Ranger have a check.


Yes, only mBlock APP works unnormal.
I switched language to English ang now all is great, works well, no any bugs or lags. Perfect!

But how to deal with russian? I know English a little bit and it’s not problem for me, but I bought robot for my son, and he doesn’t know English at all =(


Hi Lectors,

Sorry for the inconvenience, the Russian mBlock APP doesn’t support Ranger, only support mBot.
The mBlock APP with the following 10 languages support both mBot and Ranger:
Chinese, English, French, Ukrainian, Turkish, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese, German
