Problem attaching MBOT wheels w/ M2.2 self drilling screws


I’m on MBOT assembly step 4. I cannot get the self drilling screws to go into the axles. I believe I have the right screws since there were only three different types and this is the only ones of which there were only 2 screws. However, I think maybe the wrong screws were included. Most self driving screws are pointed or tapered but these are machine screws (i.e. no point). They also look large for application. The diameter of the screw is only slightly smaller than the narrow width of the axle.


Hi awfritsch,

Normally, there are 4 screw M2.2 *9 in each mBot package.

There is a picture for screw M2.2*9, it has the sharp point on one side:

Could you please take a picture for the M2.2 self driling screws you received?
