No online extensions available


Since yesterday I can’t download extension from “manage extensions”. All online extensions are hidden and I think it’s because some extension have special characters on there name. I had upload an extension with a special character yesterday, but I can’t delete it on the page, I have the message “{“error”:“You are not authorized to delete this extension”}”


Hi coiffierp,

The online extensions are still there. Please see picture below.
You may click on the installed first and you can see the extensions:


On my computer I can’t see any online extensions, the list are blank.
And how can I delete an extension uploaded on the extension center ? I have upload the same twice and I can’t delete it



Hi coiffierp,

The blank extension should be fixed now, please check.
As for deleting the uploaded extension, you can log in now and delete it under the


It’s okay for extensions but I can’t delete them under


I have the message “you are not authorize”…thanks


Hi coiffierp,

Sorry for the delay duo to the spring festival holidy.
Do you still unable to delete the uploaded extension now?


All is ok, thank you very much ! So another question : it is possible to have the download numbers for my extensions (on the extension center for example) ? thanks !


Hi coiffierp,

There is no statistics for the extension.So it is not possible.


ok, thanks
