at moment I am very confused and disappointed. I bought a mBot V1.1 bluetooth edition and an extra 2.4G module. Unfortunally I cannot use the 2.4G module with the new and much smarter mblock 5. So this module is nearly for trash…
Bluetooth is working fine with my tablets, but not with my PC. After reading much this afternoon, I found out that internal bluetooth is not supported and if (with bluetooth update; is this included in the later versions?) I need version 4.0 and not 4.2 (cause of backward compatibility I do not understand this). Furthermore I found out that there are two different bluetooth modules (old and new). How can I find out, what version I have? Are there different model numbers?
There is a bluetooth dongle available. Is this working with mblock 5 without any trouble?
At the moment I think I have bought a wrong product…